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2015-07-30 14:08:15
Anonymous Truly feeling like a Queen today. At Hotel Lucchesi, have been upgraded from a single room to a king suite. Dinner with music and cocktail on the rooftop bar this evening (has gorgeous pool) for 14 euros! Can meet the chef when I dine in the beautiful restaurant, am in the centre of Florence and am about to embark on a cycling tour for a couple of hours to get my bearings. 32 degrees today. Photos following...
2015-07-30 10:07:41
Anonymous Señor Michele is great
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Truly feeling like a Queen today. At Hotel Lucchesi, have been upgraded from a single room to a king suite. Dinner with music and cocktail on the rooftop bar this evening (has gorgeous pool) for 14 euros! Can meet the chef when I dine in the beautiful restaurant, am in the centre of Florence and am about to embark on a cycling tour for a couple of hours to get my bearings. 32 degrees today. Photos following...